Lab Services
Our lab we specializes in soil and salt/fresh water analysis. All samples are processed in our sterile analytical room.
To speak with someone about pricing and scheduling contact:
Analytical Pricing
SRP $11.00$/11.00
NH4 $11.00 $11.00
NO3 $14.00 $13.50
Total Kjeldahl N $14.00 $13.50
Total N (Chemiluminescence) $16.00 $14.00
Total P, Autoclave Digestion $14.00 $13.50
Total Organic C $16.00 $14.00
Ion Chromatography $16.00 $14.00
pH $7.00
Loss on Ignition $9.00 $8.00
Total P, ash $25.00 $22.00
Total Kjeldahl N $20.00 $18.00
Total Kjeldahl P $21.00 $19.75
Extraction (KCl, K2SO4, etc) $13.00 $12.00
Extractable NH4 $22.00 $19.00
Extractable NO3 $25.00 $23.00
Extractable NH4/NO3$33.00 $29.00
Extractable SRP $18.00 $16.50
Extractable DOC$24.00 $22.00
Extractable TN $24.00 $22.00
Extractable TP $24.00 $22.00HCL
Extractable Pi $22.00 $19.00
Bulk Density $5.00
Moisture Content $5.00
Sample Grinding $4.00
Inorganic P Fractonation $167.00$147.00
P Isotherm (per point) $22.00$18.00
Microbial Biomass C/N $46.00 $42.00
Microbial Biomass P $35.00 $30.00
Particle Size Dist. $85.00 $85.00
AQ400 by Seal Analytical
The discrete analyzer has the ability to be used as a standalone spectrophotometer with high capacity, silent operation, robotics for faster sample preparation per hour, no carry-over or cross contamination, and comes EPA recommended. With the AQ400 we have the capability to run many analytes from salt/fresh water samples, including Ammonia, Chloride, TKN, Nitrate/Nitrite, Ortho Phosphate, TP, TKP, and Sulfate. Learn more here.
TOC-LCSH by Shimadzu
Shimadzu's TOC-LCSH is a laboratory total organic carbon analyzer that offers an optimum selection of performance features and options to meet the requirements of total organic carbon testing with a wide range of aqueous sample concentrations. This wide measurement range and Shimadzu’s patented 680°C Combustion Catalytic Oxidation/NDIR detection method allows us to run salt and fresh water samples for our current research or for yours. Learn more about this analyzer here.
Colilert-18-Fecal & Total Coliform Analysis by IDEXX
Simultaneously detects both total coliforms and Escherichia coli in water or fecal coliforms in wastewater, providing results in 18 hours. This gives us the ability to read afternoon samples the next morning—before the next day’s samples arrive. The Colilert-18 test is U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved for several types of regulated water including: Drinking water (total coliforms and E. coli), Surface/source water (E. coli), Ground water (E. coli), Ambient waters (E. coli-- including fresh, marine, or estuarine surface water used for recreation, propogation of fish, shellfish, or wildlife; agriculture; industry; navigation), Wastewater (E. coli and/or fecal coliforms, when incubated at 44.5 ± 0.2C). Learn more here.
G2201-i Isotopic Analyzer by Picarro
Measures δ13C for CH4 and CO2. This analyzer combines capabilities of two Picarro δ13C carbon isotope instruments for CO2 and CH4 into a single instrument. We can analyze fresh/salt water and soil samples quickly and easily to capture the insights that only stable isotope ratios offer. Our researchers can follow carbon as it moves from source to sink. Learn more about this analyzer here.
Suntest CPS+ Solar Simulator by Atlas
Used to test for property changes of materials caused by sunlight, temperature, and moisture in a short period of time. Product changes happening outdoors or indoors over months or years such as fading, yellowing, or embrittlement can often be simulated within weeks inside a SUNTEST. This simulator offers a SunFlood immersion unit for testing materials under extreme moisture conditions and a SunCool chiller for testing at low temperatures. Learn more about this simulator here.
EX02 by Xylem, YSI
The EXO2 sonde, a state-of-the-art water quality monitoring platform, is designed to address the many challenges of collecting accurate field data in the natural environment. The EXO2's advanced water quality monitoring platform includes versatile multi-parameter monitoring of oceanographic, estuarine, or surface water applications. Our sondes have the capability of real time monitoring of water parameters while being deployed in a field environment. Learn more here.