Our Publications

Publications (63)

66. Julian, P., Schafer, T., Cohen, M. J., Jones, P., & Osborne, T. Z. (2023). Changes in the spatial distribution of total phosphorus in sediment and water column of a shallow subtropical lake. Lake and Reservoir Management. https://doi.org/10.1080/10402381.2023.2243606

65. Schafer, T. B., Julian, P., Villapando, O., & Osborne, T. Z. (2023). Abiotic mineralization of dissolved organic phosphorus for improved nutrient retention in a large-scale treatment wetland system. Ecological Engineering, 195. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2023.107078

64. Schafer, T., Dix, N., Dunnigan, S., Reddy, K. R., & Osborne, T. Z. (2022). Impacts of Hurricanes on Nutrient Export and Ecosystem Metabolism in a Blackwater River Estuary Complex. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10(5), 661. https://doi.org/10.3390/JMSE10050661

63. Julian, P., Osborne, T.Z., Bhomia, R.K., Villapando, O. 2021. Knowing your limits: evaluating aquatic metabolism in a subtropical treatment wetland. Hydrobiologia. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10750-021-04617-7

62. Vaughn, D.R., Bianchi, T.S., Shields, M.R., Kenney, W.F., Osborne, T.Z. 2021. Blue carbon soil stock development and estimates within Northern Florida wetlands. Frontiers in Earth Science 9: 6p https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2021.552721

61. Schafer, T., Powers, L., Gonsior, M., Reddy, K.R., Osborne, T.Z. 2021. Contrasting responses of DOM leachates to photodegradation observed in plant species collected along an estuarine salinity gradient. Biogeochemistry 152(2): 291-307 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10533-021-00756-0

60. Craig, H., Antwis, R.E., Cordero, I., Ashworth, D., Robinson, C.H., Osborne, T.Z., Bardgett, R.D., Rowntree, J.K., Simpson, L.T. 2021. Nitrogen addition alters composition, diversity, and functioning of microbial communities in mangrove soils: An incubation experiment. Soil Biology and Biogeochemistry 153 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2020.108076

59.  Eastman, C.B., Farrell, J.A., Whitmore, L., Ramia, D.R.R., Thomas, R.S., Prine, J., Eastman, S.F., Osborne, T.Z., Martindale, M.Q., Duffy, D.J. 2020. Plastic ingestion in post-hatchling sea turtles: Assessing a major threat in Florida near shore waters. Frontiers in Marine Science 7: p693 https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2020.00693

58. Julian, P., Gerber, S., Bhomia, R.K., King, J., Osborne, T.Z., Wright, A.L. 2020. Understanding stoichiometric mechanisms of nutrient retention in wetland macrophytes: Stoichiometric homeostasis along a nutrient gradient in a subtropical wetland. Oecologia 193(4): 969-980 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00442-020-04722-9

57. Schafer, T., Ward, N., Julian, P., Reddy, K.R., Osborne, T.Z. 2020. Impacts of hurricane disturbance on water quality across the aquatic continuum of a blackwater river to estuary complex. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8(6):413. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse8060412

56. Dangremond, E.M., Simpson, L.T., Osborne, T.Z., Feller, I.C. 2020. Nitrogen enrichment accelerates mangrove range expansion in the temperate-tropical ecotone. Ecosystems 23(4): 703–714 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10021-019-00441-2

55. Vaughn, D.R., Bianchi, T.S., Shields, M.R., Kenney, W.F., Osborne, T.Z. 2020. Increased organic carbon burial in northern Florida mangrove-salt marsh transition zones. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 34(5) https://doi.org/10.1029/2019GB006334

54. Julian, P., Osborne, T.Z. 2020. Understanding potential drivers of aquatic metabolism in a subtropical treatment wetland. bioRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.05.02.074310

53. Julian, P., Gerber, S., Bhomia, R.K., King, J., Osborne, T.Z., Wright, A.L. 2020. Stoichiometric homeostasis of wetland vegetation along a nutrient gradient in a subtropical wetland. Understanding stoichiometric mechanisms of nutrient retention in wetland macrophytes. bioRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/221465

52. Julian, P., Gerber, S., Bhomia, R.K., King, J., Osborne, T.Z., Wright, A.L., Powers, M., Dombrowski, J. 2019. Evaluation of nutrient stoichiometric relationships among ecosystem compartments of a subtropical treatment wetland. Do we have “Redfield wetlands”? Ecological Processes 8(20) https://doi.org/10.1186/s13717-019-0172-x

51. Walker, J.E., Angelini, C., Safak, I., Altieri, A.H., Osborne, T.Z. 2019. Effects of changing vegetation composition on community structure, ecosystem functioning, and predator-prey interactions at the saltmarsh-mangrove ecotone. Diversity 11(11): 208 https://doi.org/10.3390/d11110208

50. Flower, H., Rains, M., Fitz, H.C., Orem, W., Newman, S., Osborne, T.Z., Reddy, K.R., Obeysekera, J. 2019. Shifting ground: Landscape-scale modeling of biogeochemical processes under climate change in the Florida everglades. Environmental Management 64(4): 416-435 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-019-01200-8

49. Smith, R.S., Osborne, T.Z., Feller, I.C., Byers, J.E. 2019. Detrital traits affect substitutability of a range-expanding foundation species across latitude. Oikos 128(9): 1367-1380. https://doi.org/10.1111/oik.06149

48. Silliman, B.R., He, Q., Angelini, C., Smith, C.S., Kirwan, M.L., Daleo, P., Renzi, J.J., Butler, J., Osborne, T.Z., Nifong, J.C., Van de Koppel, J. 2019. Field experiments and meta-analysis reveal wetland vegetation as a crucial element in the costal protection paradigm. Current Biology 29(11): 1800-1806 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2019.05.017

47. Zhang, X., Bianchi, T.S., Cohen, M.J., Martin, J.B., Quintero, C.J., Brown, A.L., Ares, A.M., Heffernan, J.B., Ward, N., Osborne, T.Z., Shields, M.R, Kenney, W.F. 2019. Initiation and development of wetlands in southern Florida karst landscape associated with accumulation of organic matter and vegetation evolution. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 124(6): 1604-1617 https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JG004921

46. Shields, M.R., Bianchi, T.S., Kolker, A.S., Kenney, W.F., Mohrig, D., Osborne, T.Z, Curtis, J.H. 2019. Factors controlling storage, sources, and diagenetic state of organic carbon in a prograding subaerial delta: Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 124(5): 1115-1131 https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JG004683

45. Simpson, L.T., Stein, C.M., Osborne, T.Z., Feller, I.C. 2019. Mangroves dramatically increase carbon storage after 3 years of encroachment. Hydrobiologia 834(1): 13-26 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10750-019-3905-z

44. Ward, N.D., Morrison, E.S., Liu, Y., Rivas-Ubach, A., Osborne, T.Z., Ogram, A.V., Bianchi, T.S. 2019. Marine microbial community responses related to wetland carbon mobilization in the coastal zone. Limnology and Oceanography Letters 4(1): 25-33 https://doi.org/10.1002/lol2.10101

43. Collins, R.J., Mylavarapu, R.S., Clark, M.W., Osborne, T.Z. 2019. Soil column simulation of natural nutrient flux after short-term inundation. Agricultural & Environmental Letters 4(1) https://doi.org/10.2134/ael2019.01.0001

42. Phelps, S.A., Osborne, T.Z. 2019. Phosphorus in the Everglades and its effects on oxidation-reduction dynamics. Mercury and the Everglades. A Synthesis and Model for Complex Ecosystem Restoration 109-130 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-32057-7_5

41. Ponzio, K.J., Osborne, T.Z., Davies, G.T., LePage, B., Sundareshwar, P.V., Miller, S.J., Bochnak, A.M.K., Phelps, S.A., Guyette, M.Q., Chowanski, K.M., Kunza, L.A., Pellechia, P.J., Gleason, R.A., Sandvik, C. 2019. Building resiliency to climate change through wetland management and restoration. Wetlands: Ecosystem Services, Restoration and Wise Use 255-309 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-14861-4_10

40. Simpson, L.T., Osborne, T.Z., Feller, I.C. 2018. Wetland soil CO2 efflux along a latitudinal gradient of spatial and temporal complexity. Estuaries and Coasts 42: 45-54  https://doi.org/10.1007/s12237-018-0442-3

39. Smith, R., Blaze, J., Osborne, T.Z., Byers, J. 2018. Facilitating your replacement? Ecosystem engineer legacy affects establishment success of an expanding competitor. Oecologia 188: 251-262  https://doi.org/10.1007/s00442-018-4184-5

38. Julian, P.J., Osborne, T.Z. 2018. From lake to estuary, the tale of two waters: a study of aquatic continuum biogeochemistry. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment 190: 96 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-017-6455-8

37. Julian, P.J., Gerber, S., Wright, A.L., Gu, B., Osborne, T.Z. 2017. Carbon pool trends and dynamics within a subtropical peatland during long-term restoration. Ecological Processes 6: 43  https://doi.org/10.1186/s13717-017-0110-8

36. Newman, S., Osborne, T.Z,  Hagarthy, S.E., Saunders, C., Rutchey, K., Shall, T., Reddy, K.R. 2017. Drivers of landscape evolution: multiple regimes and their influence on carbon sequestration in a sub‐tropical peatland. Ecological Monographs 87(4): 578-599 https://doi.org/10.1002/ecm.1269

35. Simpson, L.T., Osborne T.Z., Duckett, L.J., Feller, I.C.  2017. Wetland soil CO2 efflux along a latitudinal gradient of spatial and temporal complexity. Wetlands 37(6): 1023-1035 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12237-018-0442-3

34. Osborne, T.Z., Coveney, M.F., Mattson, R.A. 2017. Potential for direct nitrate-nitrite inhibition of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in Florida Springs: A review and synthesis of current literature. Water 8: 30-45 https://doi.org/10.14294/WATER.2016.3

33. Osborne, T.Z., Fitz H.C., Davis, S. 2017. Restoring the foundation of the Everglades ecosystem: assessment of edaphic responses to hydrologic restoration scenarios. Restoration Ecology 25 (S1): 59-70 https://doi.org/10.1111/rec.12496

32. Simpson, L.T., Osborne, T.Z., Feller, I.C. 2017. Establishment and biomass allocation of black and red mangroves: Response to propagule flotation duration and seedling light availability. Journal of Coastal Research 33(5): 1126-1134 https://doi.org/10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-16-00108.1

31. Vogel, W.J., Osborne, T.Z., James, R.T., Cohen M.J. 2016. Spectral prediction of sediment chemistry in Lake Okeechobee Florida. Environmental Monitoring Assessment 188: 594. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-016-5605-8

30. Julian, P., Wright, A.L., Osborne, T.Z. 2016. Iron and sulfur porewater and surface water biogeochemical interactions in a subtropical peatlands. Soil Science Society of America 80(3): 794-802  https://doi.org/10.2136/sssaj2015.11.0418

29. Dhaliwal, S., Toor, G.S., Rodriguez-Jorquera, I.A., Osborne, T.Z., Newman, S. 2016. Trace metals in soils of Water Conservation Area of Florida Everglades: Considerations for ecosystem restoration. Journal of Soils and Sediments 18: 342-351. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11368-016-1459-5

28. Bukata, B.J., Osborne, T.Z, Szafraniec, M.L. 2015. Soil nutrient assessment and characterization in a degraded central Florida swamp. Water, Air & Soil Pollution 226(307): 1-11 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11270-015-2557-5

27. Gabriel, M.C., Axelrad, D., Orem, W., Howard, N., Osborne, T.Z. 2015. Response to “Comment on and Reinterpretation of Gabriel et al., (2014) “Fish Mercury and Surface Water Sulfate Relationships in the Everglades Protection Area” Environmental Management 55:1227-1231 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-015-0486-0

26. Orem, W., Newman, S., Osborne, T.Z., Reddy, K.R. 2015.  Projecting changes in Everglades soil biogeochemistry for carbon and other key elements, to possible 2060 climate and hydrologic scenarios. Environmental Management 55: 776-798 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-014-0381-0

25. Watts, A.C., Watts, D.L., Cohen, M.J., Heffernan, J.B., McLaughlin, D.L., Martin, J.B., Kaplan, D.A., Murray, A.B. Osborne, T.Z., Kobziar, L.N. 2014. Evidence of biogeomorphic patterning in a low-relief karst landscape. Earth Surface Process and Landforms 39(15): 2027-2037 https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.3597

24. Gabriel, M.C., Howard, N., Osborne, T.Z. 2014. Fish mercury and surface water sulfate relationships in the Everglades Protection Area. Environmental Management 53: 583-593 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-013-0224-4

23. Chambers, L.G., Osborne, T.Z., Reddy, K.R. 2013. Effect of salinity-altering pulsing events on soil organic carbon loss along an intertidal wetland gradient: A laboratory experiment. Biogeochemistry 115: 363-383 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10533-013-9841-5

22. Osborne, T.Z., Reddy, K.R., Ellis, L.R., Aumen, N.G., Surratt, D.D., Zimmerman, M.S., Sadle, J. 2013. Evidence of recent phosphorus enrichment in surface soils of Taylor Slough and northeast Everglades National Park. Wetlands 34(1) 37-45 https://doi.org/10.1007/s13157-013-0381-5

21. Osborne, T.Z., Kobziar, L.N., Inglett, P.W. 2013. Fire and water: New perspectives on fire’s role in shaping wetland ecosystems. Fire Ecology 9(1): 1-5 https://doi.org/10.4996/fireecology.0901001

20. Inglett, K.S., Inglett, P.W., Reddy, K.R., Osborne, T.Z. 2012. Temperature sensitivity of greenhouse gas production in wetland soils of different vegetation. Biogeochemistry 108: 77-90 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10533-011-9573-3

19. Chambers, L.G., Osborne, T.Z., Reddy, K.R. 2011. Short-term response of carbon cycling to salinity pulses in a freshwater wetland. Soil Science Society of America Journal 75(5): 2000-2007 https://doi.org/10.2136/sssaj2011.0026

18. Marchant, B.P., Newman, S., Osborne, T.Z., Rutchey, K., Reddy, K.R., Lark, R.M. 2011. Spatio-temporal monitoring of soil phosphorus in the Everglades Water Conservation Area 2A: 1998—2008. European Journal of Soil Science 60: 757-769

17. Osborne, T.Z., Bruland, G.L., Newman, S., Reddy, K.R., Grunwald, S. 2011. Spatial distributions and eco-partitioning of soil biogeochemical properties in Everglades National Park. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 183: 395-408 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-011-1928-7

16. Han, L., Huang, S., Stanley, C.D., Osborne, T.Z. 2011. Phosphorus fractionation in core sediments from the Haihe River mainstream, China. Soil and Sediment Contamination 20(1): 30-53. https://doi.org/10.1080/15320383.2011.528469

15. Osborne, T.Z., Newman, S., Kalla, P., Scheidt, D.J., Bruland, G.L., Cohen, M.J., Scinto, L.J., Ellis, L.R. 2011. Landscape patterns of significant soil nutrients and contaminants in the Greater Everglades Ecosystem: Past, Present, and Future. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 41:6 121-148 https://doi.org/10.1080/10643389.2010.530930

14. Reddy, K.R., Newman, S., Osborne, T.Z., White, J.R.,  Fitz, H.C. 2011. Phosphorous cycling in the Greater Everglades ecosystem: Legacy phosphorous implications for management and restoration. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 41:6 149-186 https://doi.org/10.1080/10643389.2010.530932

13. Cohen, M.J., Heffernan, J.B., Watts, D.L., Osborne, T.Z. 2011.  Reciprocal biotic control on hydrology, nutrient gradients, and landform in the Greater Everglades. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 41:6 395-429 https://doi.org/10.1080/10643389.2010.531224

12. Watts, D.L., Cohen, M.J., Heffernan, J.B., Osborne, T.Z., Clark, M.W. 2010. Hydrologic modification and the loss of self-organized patterning in the ridge slough mosaic of the Everglades. Ecosystems 13: 813-827 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10021-010-9356-z

11. Marchant, B.P., Newman, S., Corstanje, R., Reddy, K.R., Osborne, T.Z., Lark, R.M. 2009. Spatial monitoring of a non-stationary soil property: Phosphorus in a Florida water conservation area. European Journal of Soil Science 60(5): 757-769 https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2389.2009.01158.x

10. Rivero, R.G., Grunwald, S., Binford, M.W., Osborne, T.Z. 2009. Integrating spectral indices into prediction models of soil phosphorus in a subtropical wetland. Remote Sensing of Environment 113(11): 2389-2402. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2009.07.015

9. Cohen, M.J., Lamsal, S., Osborne T.Z., Bonzongo, J.C., Newman, S., Reddy, K.R. 2009. Soil total mercury concentrations across the Greater Everglades. Soil Science Society of America Journal 73(2): 675-685 https://doi.org/10.2136/sssaj2008.0126

8. Grunwald, S., Osborne, T.Z., Reddy, K.R. 2008. Temporal trajectories of phosphorus and pedo-patterns mapped in Water Conservation Area 2A, Everglades, Florida, USA. Geoderma 146: 1-13 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2008.03.023

7. Harris, W.G., Fisher, M.M., Cao, X., Osborne, T.Z., Ellis, L. 2007. Magnesium-rich minerals in sediment and suspended particulates of south Florida water bodies: Implications for turbidity. Journal of Environmental Quality 36(6): 1670-1677 https://doi.org/10.2134/jeq2006.0559

6. Bruland, G.L., Osborne, T.Z., Reddy, K.R., Grunwald, S., Newman, S., Debusk, W.F. 2007. Recent changes in soil total phosphorus in the Everglades: Water Conservation Area 3. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 129: 379-395 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-006-9371-x

5. Osborne, T.Z., Inglett, P.W., Reddy, K.R. 2007. The use of senescent plant biomass to investigate relationships between potential particulate and dissolved organic matter in a wetland ecosystem. Aquatic Botany 86(1): 53-61 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquabot.2006.09.002

4. Rivero, R.G., Grunwald, S., Reddy, K.R., Osborne, T.Z., Newman, S. 2007. Characterization of the spatial distribution of soil properties in Water Conservation Area 2A, Everglades, Florida. Soil Science 172(2): 149-166. https://doi.org/10.1097/01.ss.0000240550.52175.35

3. Bruland, G.L., Grunwald, S., Osborne, T.Z., Reddy, K.R., Newman, S. 2006. Spatial Distribution of soil properties in Water Conservation Area 3 of the Everglades. Soil Science Society of America Journal 70(5): 1662-1676 https://doi.org/10.2136/sssaj2005.0134

2. Corstanje, R., Grunwald, S., Reddy, K.R., Osborne, T.Z., Newman, S. 2005. Assessment of the spatial distribution of soil properties in a northern Everglades marsh. Journal of Environmental Quality 35(3): 938-949 https://doi.org/10.2134/jeq2005.0255

1. Osborne, T.Z., Chapman, L.J., Chapman, C.A., Crisman, T.L., Prenger, J.P., Sailers, E. 2001. Invertebrate community structure and oxygen availability in an intermittent stream wetland system of the Ugandan highlands. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 27: 3599-3603 https://doi.org/10.1080/03680770.1998.11902498

Technical Reports (30)

30. Osborne, T.Z., Simpson, L.T. 2018. Quantification of soil biogeochemical characteristics in northern Shark Slough, ENP. US Department of Interior, National Park Service, Homestead FL. 122p

29. Osborne, T.Z., Simpson, L.T., August, K., Julian, P. 2018. Soil phosphorus dynamics in the Upper Taylor Slough basin of Everglades National Park. US Department of Interior, National Park Service, Homestead FL. 89p

28. Osborne, T.Z. 2018. Soil characterization of Mary A Conservation Area. DMC Engineering Inc. Merritt Island, FL. 49p

27. Osborne, T.Z., Nunez, J., Babonis, L. 2017. Community Partnership Initiative- Leveraging Citizen Science for Oyster Restoration Success. Final Report Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Tallahassee FL. 134p.

26. Clark, M.W., Osborne, T.Z. 2017. Effectiveness of Biologically Activated Media (BAM) in nitrate reduction in storm-water treatment ponds.  Alachua County Environmental Protection Division, Gainesville, Fl. 64p.

25. Osborne, T.Z., Bhomia, R., Julian, P. 2017. Critical Research for Everglades Storm-water Treatment Areas (CRESTA) Chapter 3,4, and 9. 2nd Annual Report. South Florida Water Management District, West Palm Beach, FL 179p.

24. Osborne, T.Z., Coveney, M.F., Mattson, R.A., LaPlaca, L.H., Schafer, T.B., Johansen, J. 2017. Nitrate inhibition of submerged aquatic vegetation: investigation of the nitrate overload hypothesis. Final Project Report (CRISPS). St. Johns River Water Management District. Palatka, FL 154p.

23. Osborne, T.Z., Ellis, L.R., Castro, J., Sadle, J. 2015. Monitoring of phosphorus storage in Park marsh land sediments: An assessment of the C-111 Spreader Canal Project.  Final Report. South Florida Natural Resources Center, National Park Service, Homestead, FL.  117p.

22. Osborne, T.Z., Bochnak, A.K., Van Dam, B., Duffy, S., Keenan, L., Inglett, K.S., Inglett, P.W., Sihi, D. 2014.  Hydrologic Effects on soil stability- loss, formation and nutrient fluxes. Final Report.  St. Johns River Water Management District. Palatka, FL.  114p.

21. Sturmer, L.N., Osborne, T.Z., White, W.R., Ellis, L.R. 2014.  Advancement of sunray venus Macrocalista nimbosa aquaculture through evaluation of alternative grow-out and harvesting methods.  Final Report.  Division of Aquaculture, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer services. Tallahassee, FL. 88p

20. Sturmer, L., Creswell, L., Scarpa, J., Ellis, R., Osborne, T.Z., Harris, W. 2014. Revitalizing the Hard Clam Aquaculture Industry in the Southeastern U.S. through Transferring Technology on Sunray Venus Clam, Macrocallista nimbosa, Production. Report to Florida Sea Grant College Program, Project # R/LR-A-51

19. Sturmer, L., Ellis, L.R., Osborne, T.Z.  2014. Initial Assessment of Mechanical Harvesting Bottom-planted Hard Clams Mercenaria mercenaria on Shellfish Aquaculture Leases in Florida. Final report to Florida Sea Grant College Program Development Grant, Project # PD-12-15

18. Ellis, L.R., Osborne, T.Z., Clark, D., Gommermann, L., Hicks, C. 2013. Seagrass mitigation site modeling and assessment. Florida Department of Transportation, Tallahassee, FL. 247p.

17. Ellis, L.R., Osborne, T.Z. 2013. Incorporating pedology into transportation related coastal restoration and mitigation projects. Final Report. International Conference on Ecology and Transportation. Scottsdale, AZ. 21p.

16. Sturmer, L., Scarpa, J., Adams, C., Otwell, S., Ellis, R., Osborne, T.Z. 2013. Eliminating barriers to commercial culture of the sunray venus clam in Florida. Final report to Florida Sea Grant College Program, Project # R/LR-A-46A

15. Sturmer, L., Petty, B.D., Creswell, R.L., Ellis, L.R., Osborne, T.Z., Scarpa, J., Encomio, V. 2013. Enhancing Florida Hard Clam Production through Brood-stock Development, Improved Harvest Practices, and Species Diversification. Final CRIS report to USDA NIFA, submitted electronically.

14. Stillwater Sciences, Jones & Trimiew Design, Atkins Aquatic Ecosystem Sciences (T.Z. Osborne), and NSI/Biohabitats. 2013. Water Quality Improvement Techniques for the Upper Klamath Basin: A Technical Workshop and Project Conceptual Designs. California State Coastal Conservancy, Oakland, California. 334p.

13. Osborne, T.Z., Nair, V.D., Ellis, L.R., Chakraborty, D., Harris, W. 2012. Kissimmee River Sediment and Floodplain Soil Nutrient Assessment. Final Report. South Florida Water Management District, West Palm Beach, FL. 155p

12. Sturmer, L.N., Ellis, L.R., Osborne, T.Z., White, W.  2012. Determining compatibility of commercial leases and aqueous soil properties for sunray venus clam culture. Clam Culture Industry Workshop: Summary of Presentations: 14-15

11. Ellis, L.R., Osborne, T.Z., White, W., Sturmer, L.N. 2012. Applying a soils-based approach to clam aquaculture in Florida. Clam Culture Industry Workshop: Summary of Presentations: 6-7

10. Osborne, T.Z., Bukata, B.J. 2011. Soil Characterization and Biogeochemistry Study: Flatford Swamp Adaptive Restoration. Final Report. South West Florida Water Management District, Brooksville, FL. 25p.

9. Borkhataria, R., Childers, D.L., Davis, S.E., Engel, V., Gaiser, E.E., Harvey, J.W., Lodge, T.E., Miralles-Wilhelm, F., Naja, G.M., Osborne, T.Z., Rivero, R.G, Ross, M.S., Trexler, J., Van Lent, T., Wetzel, P.R. 2011.  Review of Everglades Science, tools and needs related to key science management questions. Phase I Final Report. Critical Ecosystems Studies Initiative, National Park Service, Homestead, FL. 317p.

8. Osborne, T.Z., Neuman, J. 2010. Vegetative flow resistance study: Characterization of Kissimmee River Floodplain vegetation. Final Report. South Florida Water Management District, West Palm Beach, FL. 36p.

7. Clark, M.W., Cohen, M.J., Osborne, T.Z., Watts, D., Oh, T.  2010. Evaluating decomposition dynamics, community composition, and ridge-top senescence in the ridge-slough mosaic in response to climate change and water management.  South Florida Water Management District, West Palm Beach, FL  95p.

6. Osborne, T.Z., Sadle, J., Compitello, R. 2010. Effects of fire as a management tool on water quality and evaluation of effectiveness in deterrence of invasive/ exotic vegetation. Final Report. Department of the Interior, National Park Service South Florida Natural Resources Center and South Florida/Caribbean Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Homestead, FL. 84p.

5. Cohen, M.J., Osborne, T.Z., Lamsal, S., Clark, M.W. 2009. Regional distribution of soil nutrients- Hierarchical soil nutrient mapping for improved ecosystem change detection. Final Report. South Florida Water Management District, West Palm Beach, Fl 98p.

4. Osborne, T.Z., Reddy, K.R., Zimmerman, M.S., Aumen, N. 2008. Long term changes in phosphorus storage in selected hydrologic units of the Everglades.  Final Report. South Florida Natural Resources Center, National Park Service, Homestead, FL. 24p.

3. Osborne, T.Z., Newman, S. 2008. Process level effects of increased specific conductance of surface waters on cycling of carbon and phosphorus in the Northern Everglades. Final Report. Everglades Division, South Florida Water Management District, West Palm Beach, FL. 26p.

2. Cohen, M.J., Osborne, T.Z., Vogel, W.J., Daust, R.J., James, R.T., Yan, Y. 2007. Lake Okeechobee sediment quality mapping project. Final Report. South Florida Water Management District, West Palm Beach, FL. 39p.

1. Reddy, K.R., Osborne, T.Z., Inglett, K.S., Corstanje, R. 2006. Influence of water level on subsidence of organic soils in the Upper St. Johns River Basin. St. Johns river Water Management District, Palatka, FL  119p.

Technical Memoranda (3)

3. Osborne, T.Z., Nair, V.D., Ellis, L.R., Chakraborty, D., Harris, W.  2012.  Spatial Distribution of Soil Biogeochemical Properties in the Kissimmee River Floodplain: Phase I and Phase II/III. Technical Memorandum. South Florida Water Management District, West Palm Beach, FL  76p.
2. Osborne, T.Z., Nair, V.D., Ellis, L.R., Chakraborty, D., Harris, W.  2012. Soil Phosphorus Storage Capacity. Technical Memorandum. South Florida Water Management District, West Palm Beach, FL  37p.
1. Osborne, T.Z., Nair, V.D., Ellis, L.R., Chakraborty, D., Harris, W.  2011.  Traditional Statistical Characterization of Kissimmee River Floodplain Soil and Sediment. Technical Memorandum. South Florida Water Management District, West Palm Beach, FL  26p.

 Published Abstracts (32)

32. Morrison, E.S., Bianchi, T.S.S., Liu, Y., Rivas-Ubach, A., Ward, N., Osborne, T. A multi-omics approach to understand the molecular and microbial transformations associated with dissolved organic matter turnover in coastal waters. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting Abstracts #B41D-04 (2019) https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2019AGUFM.B41D..04M/abstract

31. Vaughn, D., Bianchi, T.S.S., Shields, M.R., Kenney, W., Osborne, T. Modern changes and millennial-scale development of blue carbon pools in northern Florida. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting Abstracts #B43H-2543 (2019) https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2019AGUFM.B43H2543V/abstract

30. Morrison, E.S., Bianchi, T.S., Ward, N.D., Rivas-Ubach, A., Liu, Y., Osborne, T. Does microbial priming influence the turnover of blue Carbon in aquatic systems? American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting Abstracts #B11C-2158 (2018) https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2018AGUFM.B11C2158M/abstract

29. Vaughn, D., Bianchi, T.S., Osborne, T., Shields, M.R., Kenney, W. Blue Carbon sequestration within northern Florida intertidal wetlands-Response to climate change and Holocene climate variability. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting Abstracts #B41D-08 (2018) https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2018AGUFM.B41D..08V/abstract

28. Morrison, E., Ward, N.D., Arellano, A.R., Liu, Y., Ogram, A., Osborne, T.Z., Vaughn, D., Bianchi, T.S.  The role of priming effcts on the conversion of blue carbon to CO2 in the coastal zone. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting Abstracts #B42B-07 (2017)  http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2017AGUFM.B42B..07M

27.  Vaughn D., Bianchi, T.S., Osborne, T.Z., Sheilds, M.R., Kenny, W.  Blue carbons sequestration in Florida coastal wetlands- response to recent climate change and Holocene climate variability. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting Abstracts #B43D-2150  (2017) http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2017AGUFM.B43D2150V

26. Ward, N.D., Osborne, T.Z., Julian, P. Examining the effects of hurricanes Matthew and Irma on water quality in the intracoastal waterway, St. Augustine, FL. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting Abstracts #NH23E-2877 (2017)  http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2017AGUFMNH23E2877W

25. Schmidt, E.C., Schafer, T.B., Osborne, T.Z. Evaluation of Spatially Clustered Marsh Ponds in a Northern Florida Salt Marsh. Integrative and Comparative Biology Vol 57. Oxford University Press Inc. (2017)

24. Ward, N.D., Bianchi, T.S., Cohen, M.J., Martin, J.B., Quintero, C., Brown, A., Osborne, T.Z., Sawakuchi, H.O. Methane evasion and oxidation in the Big Cypress National Preserve- a low relief carbonate wetland. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting Abstracts #B21F-0484W  (2016) http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2016AGUFM.B21F0484W

23. Cohen, M.J., Quintero, C., Ward, N.D., Raines, E., Brown, A., Martin, J.B., Bianchi, T.S., Mclaughlin, D.L., Osborne, T.Z., Heffernan, J.B., Watts, A. An ecological drill: biogeomorphic pattern evolution in a low-relief carbonate landscape. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (2015) abstract id. EP34A-07 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2015AGUFMEP34A..07C

22. Schafer, T.B., Ellis, R., Hicks-Pries, C., Osborne, T.Z. Formulation of an organic carbon trajectory over a 10-year period on a restored spoil island in south-central Florida. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (2015) abstract id. B21H-0571 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2015AGUFM.B21H0571S

21. Simpson, L.T., Osborne, T.Z., Feller, I.C. Soil carbon stocks in a shifting ecosystem: climate induced migration of mangroves into salt marsh. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting (2015) abstract id. B33D-0734 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2015AGUFM.B33D0734S

20. Camacho, M.C., Schafer, T.B., Osborne, T.Z. (2015, April). Impacts of climate change induced vegetation shift on estuarine food web structure. Integrative and Comparative Biology (Vol. 55, pp. E228-E228). Oxford University Press Inc.

19. Sturmer, L.N., White, W.R., Osborne, T.Z. Advancement of Sunray Venus clam Macrocallista nimbosa aquaculture in Florida though evaluation of alternative growout and harvest methods. National Shellfisheries Association 107th Annual Meeting Monterey, CA March 2015

18. White, W.R., Ellis, L.R., Sturmer, L.N., Osborne, T.Z. 2014. Assessing effects of hard clam farming activities on bottom sediments using a soils-based approach. J. Shellfish Res., 33: 664.

17. Sturmer, L.N., Scarpa, J., Adams, C., Otwell, S., Ellis, L.R., Osborne, T.Z. Eliminating barriers to production of the sunray venus clam Macrocallista nimbosa in Florida. (p456) Aquaculture 2013 Conference Proceedings

16. Sturmer, L., Adams, C., Baker, S., Ellis, R., Osborne, T.Z., Otwell, S., Scarpa, J. 2013. Florida hard clam aquaculture: From business development to a sustainable industry. Sustaining Economics and Natural Resources in a Changing World: Key Role of Land Grant Universities, Symposium Poster Abstracts.

15. Kobziar, L.N., Watts, A.C., Osborne, T.Z., Snyder, J.R.  Smoldering Cypress Swamp Soils: Moisture Effects and Implications for Forest Structure (p515). 9th INTECOL International Wetlands Conference. Orlando, FL. June 3-8, 2012.

14. Osborne, T.Z., Compitello, R., Sadle, J., Wallace, J. Effective Use of Prescribed Fire for the Control of Melaluca quinqienervia and Lygodium microphyllum in the Florida Everglades (p. 504). 9th INTECOL International Wetlands Conference. Orlando, FL. June 3-8, 2012.

13. Inglett, P.W., Hogue, B.A., Medvedeff, C.A., Liao, X., Osborne, T.Z. The Impact of Fire on Soil and Plant Nutrient Levels in Calcareous Subtropical Wetlands. (p500). 9th Intecol International Wetlands Conference. Orlando, FL. June 3-8, 2012.

12. Osborne, T.Z., Nair, V.D., Ellis, L.R., Jones, B., Harris, W. Soil Nutrient Storage and Cycling in the Restored Kissimmee River Floodplain (P385). 9th Intecol International Wetlands Conference. Orlando, FL. June 3-8, 2012.

11. Watts, D.L., Cohen, M.J., Heffernan, J.B., Osborne, T.Z., Carnavale, M.J. Hydrologic modification and peat dynamics in the Everglades ridge slough mosaic (p136). 9th INTECOL International Wetlands Conference. Orlando, FL.  June 3-8, 2012.

10. Kim, J., Grunwald, S., Osborne, T.Z., Rivero, R.G. Multi-scale Modeling of Biogeochemical Soil Properties using Remote Sensing. Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA.  October 31-November 4, 2010.

9. Compitello, R., Osborne, T.Z., Reddy, K.R., Newman, S., Saddle, J. Prescribed Fire Effect on Phosphorus Cycling and Ensuing Plant Repopulation in Cladium jamaicense and Typha latifolia Stands of the Florida Everglades (p66).  Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Conference. Naples, FL. July 28-Aug 1, 2008.

8. Cohen, M.J., Watts, D.L., Osborne, T.Z., Jawitz, J., Clark, M.W. Indirect Effects of Hydrology and Hydroperiod on Water Quality in the Greater Everglades (p65). Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Conference. Naples, FL. July 28-Aug 1, 2008.

7. Lamsal, S., Cohen, M.J., Osborne, T.Z., Clark, M.W. Fine-Scale Spatial Variability of Soil Nutrients in the Everglades (p236). Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Conference. Naples, FL. July 28-Aug 1, 2008.

6. Oh, T., Clark, M.W., Osborne, T.Z., Cohen, M.J. Ridge Senescence of Cladium jamaicense in the Florida Everglades (p329). Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Conference. Naples, FL. July 28-Aug 1, 2008.

5. Osborne, T.Z., Newman, S., Kalla, P.I., Scheidt, D.J., Bruland, G., Cohen, M.J., Scinto, L.J. Landscape Scale Patterns of Significant Nutrients and Contaminants in the Greater Everglades Ecosystem: Past, Present and Future (p334). Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Conference. Naples, FL. July 28-Aug 1, 2008.

4. Rivero, R.G., Grunwald, S., Binford, M.W., Osborne, T.Z., Reddy, K.R. Applications of Remote Sensing and Multivariate Geostatistics in Order to Improve Spatial Modeling of Soil Phosphorus Predictions in Wetland Areas Study Case: WCA-2A (p360). Everglades Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Conference. Naples, FL. July 28-Aug 1, 2008.

3. Vogel, W.J., Cohen, M.J., Osborne, T.Z., James, R.T. Spatial and Temporal Changes in the Chemical Characteristics and Distribution of Lake Okeechobee Sediments (p451). Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Conference. Naples, FL. July 28-Aug 1, 2008.

2. Wang, Y., Wright, A.L., Reddy, K.R., Osborne, T.Z., Newman, S. A Loss-on-Ignition Method to Assess Soil Organic Carbon in Calcareous Everglades Wetlands (p461). Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Conference. Naples, FL. July 28-Aug 1, 2008.

1. Watts, D.L., Cohen, M.J., Heffernan, J.B., Osborne, T.Z., Clark, M.W. Patterns of Peat Elevation in the Ridge-Slough Mosaic (p465). Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Conference. Naples, FL. July 28-Aug 1, 2008.

Miscellaneous (4 ) (*peer reviewed) 

4. Osborne, T.Z., Mattson, R., Coveney, M. 2015.  Macroinvertebrate Grazers, Dissolved Oxygen Stress, and the Loss of Top-Down Control of Algae in Florida Spring Ecosystems. St. Johns River Water Management District Special Publication Series   SP2015*
3. Marchant, B.P., Newman, S., Corstanje, R., Reddy, K.R., Osborne, T.Z., Lark, R.M. 2012. Spatial monitoring of soil phosphorus in the Florida Everglades. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/267944740_Spatial_monitoring_of_soil_phosphorus_in_the_Florida_Everglades

2. Grunwald, S., Corstanje, R., Bruland, G.L., Osborne, T.Z., Rivero, R.G., Newman, S., Reddy, K.R. 2010. Soil and vegetation patterns and their variability in space across the greater Everglades. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/255572760_Soil_and_Vegetation_Patterns_and_their_Variability_in_Space_across_the_Greater_Everglades_2

1. Corstanje, R., Bruland, G.L., Osborne, T.Z., Reddy, K.R. 2012. Soil and vegetation patterns and their variability in space across the Greater Everglades. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/237456895_Soil_and_Vegetation_Patterns_and_their_Variability_in_Space